A new peer reviewed journal focused on research and applications for the health artificial intelligence (AI) community.


Khaled El Emam, PhD,  Canada Research Chair in Medical AI, University of Ottawa; Senior Scientist, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute: Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, Canada

Bradley Malin, PhD, Accenture Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics, and Computer Science; Vice Chair for Research Affairs, Department of Biomedical Informatics: Affiliated Faculty, Center for Biomedical Ethics & Society, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

JMIR AI is a new journal that focuses on the applications of AI in health settings. This includes contemporary developments as well as historical examples, with an emphasis on sound methodological evaluations of AI techniques and authoritative analyses. It is intended to be the main source of reliable information for health informatics professionals to learn about how AI techniques can be applied and evaluated. 

JMIR AI is indexed in DOAJ, PubMed and PubMed Central.


Recent Articles

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Artificial Intelligence

The escalating global prevalence of obesity has necessitated the exploration of novel diagnostic approaches. Recent scientific inquiries have indicated potential alterations in voice characteristics associated with obesity, suggesting the feasibility of using voice as a noninvasive biomarker for obesity detection.

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Machine Learning

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a significant global health challenge. Physicians need to assess whether future glycemic control will be poor on the current trajectory of usual care and usual-care treatment intensifications so that they can consider taking extra treatment measures to prevent poor outcomes. Predicting poor glycemic control from trends in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels is difficult due to the influence of seasonal fluctuations and other factors.

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Artificial Intelligence

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Machine Learning

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Clinical Information and Decision Making

Clinical decision-making is a crucial aspect of health care, involving the balanced integration of scientific evidence, clinical judgment, ethical considerations, and patient involvement. This process is dynamic and multifaceted, relying on clinicians’ knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding to achieve optimal patient outcomes through informed, evidence-based choices. The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents a revolutionary opportunity in clinical decision-making. AI’s advanced data analysis and pattern recognition capabilities can significantly enhance the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, processing vast medical data to identify patterns, tailor treatments, predict disease progression, and aid in proactive patient management. However, the incorporation of AI into clinical decision-making raises concerns regarding the reliability and accuracy of AI-generated insights. To address these concerns, 11 “verification paradigms” are proposed in this paper, with each paradigm being a unique method to verify the evidence-based nature of AI in clinical decision-making. This paper also frames the concept of “clinically explainable, fair, and responsible, clinician-, expert-, and patient-in-the-loop AI.” This model focuses on ensuring AI’s comprehensibility, collaborative nature, and ethical grounding, advocating for AI to serve as an augmentative tool, with its decision-making processes being transparent and understandable to clinicians and patients. The integration of AI should enhance, not replace, the clinician’s judgment and should involve continuous learning and adaptation based on real-world outcomes and ethical and legal compliance. In conclusion, while generative AI holds immense promise in enhancing clinical decision-making, it is essential to ensure that it produces evidence-based, reliable, and impactful knowledge. Using the outlined paradigms and approaches can help the medical and patient communities harness AI’s potential while maintaining high patient care standards.

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Artificial Intelligence

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Original Papers

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Machine Learning

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Machine Learning

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