Published on in Vol 3 (2024)

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Approaches for the Use of AI in Workplace Health Promotion and Prevention: Systematic Scoping Review

Approaches for the Use of AI in Workplace Health Promotion and Prevention: Systematic Scoping Review

Approaches for the Use of AI in Workplace Health Promotion and Prevention: Systematic Scoping Review

Martin Lange   1 , Prof Dr ;   Alexandra Löwe   1 , MA ;   Ina Kayser   2 , Prof Dr ;   Andrea Schaller   3 , Prof Dr

1 Department of Fitness & Health, IST University of Applied Sciences, Duesseldorf, Germany

2 Department of Communication & Business, IST University of Applied Sciences, Duesseldorf, Germany

3 Institute of Sport Science, Department of Human Sciences, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Munich, Germany

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