Published on in Vol 3 (2024)

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
What Is the Performance of ChatGPT in Determining the Gender of Individuals Based on Their First and Last Names?

What Is the Performance of ChatGPT in Determining the Gender of Individuals Based on Their First and Last Names?

What Is the Performance of ChatGPT in Determining the Gender of Individuals Based on Their First and Last Names?

Authors of this article:

Paul Sebo1 Author Orcid Image


  1. Goyanes M, de-Marcos L, Domínguez-Díaz A. Automatic gender detection: a methodological procedure and recommendations to computationally infer the gender from names with ChatGPT and gender APIs. Scientometrics 2024;129(11):6867 View
  2. Domínguez-Díaz A, Goyanes M, de-Marcos L, Prado-Sánchez V. Comparative analysis of automatic gender detection from names: evaluating the stability and performance of ChatGPT versus Namsor, and Gender-API. PeerJ Computer Science 2024;10:e2378 View